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We invite Experienced Registered Nurses, New Graduate Nurses, and Nursing Students to our virtual hiring event. Log in from any device and participate in 1-on-1 video interviews with our recruiters.

Tuesday, March 2, 10am-1pm

Join us from a computer or mobile device
Register here: http://bit.ly/2Nf5dqo

We will be hiring for all Sentara locations and divisions:

Sentara Health Plan (Optima Health & Virginia Premier)
Sentara Home Health & Hospice
Sentara Medical Group
Sentara Traveler and Resource Pool
Sentara Albemarle Medical Center (Elizabeth City, NC)
Sentara Careplex Hospital (Hampton, VA)
Sentara Halifax Regional Hospital (South Boston, VA)
Sentara Leigh Hospital (Norfolk, VA)
Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital (Charlottesville, VA)
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital (Norfolk, VA)
Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center (Woodbridge, VA)
Sentara Obici Hospital (Suffolk, VA)
Sentara Princess Anne Hospital (Virginia Beach, VA)
Sentara RMH Medical Center (Harrisonburg, VA)
Sentara Virginia Beach Hospital (Virginia Beach, VA)
Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center (Williamsburg, VA)

Here’s a video of Sentara Nursing Leaders describing what they love most about their teams:

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