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Attention: The In-Person Event has been canceled and will now be a Virtual Event (same day and time). Please check back in a few days for registration link for virtual hiring event. 

We will be hosting a virtual hiring event for Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center (Woodbridge, VA).  Join recruiters and hiring managers for 1:1 video chats. Share your experience, ask questions and get to know our team. 

Wednesday, January 19, 3pm-6pm

Where: Virtually from your home, office, computer, smartphone or tablet
Register: https://indeedhi.re/3zDkapO

We will be hiring for all departments and all vacancies – clinical and non-clinical positions.

Generous sign on bonuses for some positions for qualified candidates!!!

Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center
Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center is a 183-bed, not-for-profit hospital in Prince William County, Virginia. We uphold the Sentara Healthcare mission: We improve health every day. We offer a wide range of medical specialties, a highly qualified medical and clinical staff and state-of-the-art technology. Our comprehensive services include primary care, emergency care, advanced imaging, cancer, diabetes, heart and vascular, orthopedics, urology, weight loss surgery and women’s services.


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