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Sentara Life Care invites YOU to our Open Interview Day on Tuesday, February 25th. Join us for on-the-spot interviews with Hiring Managers! Learn more about what Sentara has to offer. Selected candidates will be made job offers in as little as 24 hours from the time of the interview!

Hiring for:
Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Certified Nursing Assistant (CNAs)

Tuesday, February 25th, 3pm-6pm

Sentara Life Care – Corporate
863 Glenrock Road, Suite 200
Norfolk, VA 23502

To prepare for attendance of this event, please visit www.sentaracareers.com and apply entering the keyword search: 134016BR. After completing the application, you will receive an e-mail to complete an assessment. To move quickly through the process, these steps should be completed.

Questions, please e-mail ejcreath@sentara.com

About Life Care:
Whether you are supporting our Sentara Life Care Residents in the Long Term Care units, our Patients in the Skilled Units or working with our PACE participants at the day center or at home, you will have the opportunity to help an individual make it through their day with respect and dignity. Your attention to detail and care will make each day a little better whether the individual is with us for a short-term recover or for long term support. You’ll have the chance to make a difference in the life of all of the residents, patients and participants you interact with on a daily basis. Join our team, where we are committed to quality and compassionate care, along with employee growth & satisfaction!

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